“Funding leveraged through the BEAD and the middle-mile programs, combined with other funding programs, must support ubiquitous 5G. All Americans, especially those in rural and hard-to-reach areas, must have access to nationwide connectivity, which means access to both fixed and mobile services. Fiber is an important input to support the deployment of 5G and successor wireless technologies throughout the U.S., but in areas where fiber is not possible, wireless will play a key role. To meet the communications needs of Americans everywhere, it is important for policymakers to leverage the IIJA programs and all other tools and programs available to support ubiquitous access to fixed and mobile wireless services in the U.S.”
About CCA
CCA is the nation’s leading association for competitive wireless providers and stakeholders across the United States. Members range from small, rural carriers serving fewer than 5,000 customers to regional and nationwide providers serving millions of customers, as well as vendors and suppliers that provide products and services throughout the wireless communications ecosystem.
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